
On the importance of punctuation

Just now I was reading a slashdot article where a bunch of people where whining about some links or other being to some site called “myminicity”. Several mentions of that name later, it finally dawned on me that it was not, in fact, a compound of the usual English state-of-being suffix -ity and some hypothetical trendy nonsense word(s) I hadn't heard of yet (cf. “meme”); but, rather, was to be read as the words “my mini city”.

(I still don't know what the thing actually is, because I don't care.)

If only people had decided to use hyphens when gluing words together for domain names, then I wouldn't have to occasionally waste valuable seconds wondering WTF some string of half-pronounceable letters is supposed to be. (They also wouldn't run the risk of an unfortunate powergenitalia incident, but how often does that happen?) Ah well.

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